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Algae thrive where there is an abundance of two nutrients; phosphorus and nitrogen usually caused by runoff nutrients such as animal waste, fertilizer and sewage. In addition exceedingly high temperatures, presence of dead organic matter and slow-moving water create favourable conditions for rapid increase in algae population.


POND SAT contains beneficial bacteria concentrate that consumes  the excess of runoff nutrients and other organic matter that end up in ponds and lakes.


POND SAT concentrate contains bacteria that is commonly found in NZ waterways and when the beneficial bacteria is introduced in bigger numbers it outcompetes algae for nutrients and restores balance in aquatic habitats.

STRING ALGAE TREATMENT (S.A.T.) for ponds with severe algae bloom

  • Shake well before use.


    Use 25 ml for every 500 litres of pond volume 


    How do I calculate the volume of water in my pond?
    Multiply (in metres) the average length x width x depth x 1000 = volume in litres

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